gaming podcast, pizza, dominos, thin crust, deep dish, playstation 4,

Ep 28 – General Discussion! Gaming, Pizza, and more!

Episode 28. July 9th, 2015. Mike and Andrew Record a mid-week podcast about nothing. Literally. We just chat and catch up on gaming and end up talkin’ bout pizza. We thought we’d do a more informal podcast mid-week to catch you up on what we’ve been doing. We missed the week prior to ep 27 and figured this way you’d get a little extra DG Cast time before next week’s more gaming-focused cast. 

Again, we do appreciate our listeners and want to make sure we’re consistenly delivering things you’d like to hear. If you have suggestions, games we should check out, shows we should watch, etc., TWEET US! Let us know. Tweet Mike @Mdtong1, Andrew @SoAfterISaid, or @TheDGCast twitter and tell us. We do this for you so if you’ve got things we should fix, tell us. Andrew might bitch about it in the following podcast, but we do have plans to try and make the podcast audio a little bit better with some upgraded equipment among other ideas we’ve been playing around with.

YouTube Link to Podcast

Shoutouts: @cerajoy / @ziggyziggz / @thepvppodcast – The PVP Podcast, Where they talk about geeky things they like, and usually end up arguing about them. 😛

@TroyBakerVA / @Nolan_North / @YakkoPinky / @WillingBlam – Great Voice Actors that you’ve probably already heard in multiple games/tv shows.  

So thanks for listening and being awesome! Feel free to leave comments on the website or tweet us!

-Mike & Andrew, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast