gaming podcast, video game podcast, video game discussion, halo discussion, super mario bros discussion,

Ep 44 – What Game Series Affected Our Lives

Episode 44. November 8th, 2015. Mike brings a great topic to the table, in which we discuss what game(s) or game series have affected our lives, or mean the most to us. Apologies as we spend the first half of the podcast catching up on gaming and streaming stuff, but the topic is worthwhile and […]

more powerful ps4, yearly game releases, ubisoft assassins creed, why assassins creed is broken, ac unity, ac syndicate, yearly gameplay mechanics, ps4 ultra, slim ps4,

Ep 42 – Yearly Game Releases & a New, More Powerful PS4?

Episode 42. October 25th, 2015. Mike and Andrew bring two good topics to the table for a lengthy discussion. Mike’s curious about the pitfalls of yearly releases, specifically focusing on Ubisoft and the Assassin’s Creed series. Does yearly releases of games benefit them more than it hurts them? We compare it to the CoD series […]

momocon 2015, momo con, georgia gaming events, colin and greg live, kinda funny, voice acting panels, gaming expo panels,

MomoCon Panels To Be Streamed

MomoCon 2015 will feature some of the bigger panels live on twitch during the convention. As the largest gaming event in the southeastern part of the US, they decided to also feature some of the best panels on twitch so that others could watch who were unable to attend. The breakdown is listed below. MomoCon […]

gaming podcast, podcasts, video games, halo, master chief, metal gear solid, super mario series,

Ep 16 – Main Characters With Voices…Yay or nay?

Episode 16. March 30th, 2015. Mike and Andrew take their topic from IGN about whether or not the main heroes of games should have a voice. It’s an interesting topic and Mike and Andrew decided to talk about it themselves. Major games like Mario, Half-Life, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, and others come up as they discuss […]

halo, halo 5, galo guardians, halo release date, halo xbox one, 343 studios, 343 makes halo, master chief,

Halo 5 Releases October 2015!

Halo 5: Guardians is coming out in October of 2015. October 27th to be exact. Check out this video on YouTube for more information. Clearly we’re seeing another teaser bit of information that continues to beg the question, “What the hell is going on?” but we’ll just have to wait till either more information […]