
Tarsier Reveals New Game – Hunger

Tarsier Studios, the company that brought us LittleBigPlanet on the Vita, has announced a new title they’ve been working on. It’s called Hunger, and it’s deliciously creepy. Here’s the video they posted on their YouTube channel yesterday:


The game takes place in a world called The Maw where you’ll control a young girl whom you must help escape a labyrinth filled with dangerous monsters in a mixture of puzzle solving and sneaky adventuring.

Tarsier talks a bit about the project on their own site in this blog post.


It makes me think if LIMBO and LittleBigPlanet had a game baby it would look something like this. Based on this teaser the atmosphere seems perfectly eerie, while managing not to be outright horrifying or gross. I’m really excited to see more on this, and I’ll definitely be lining up to play it ASAP!  For more info on Hunger, keep it tuned to The DGCast!