gaming podcast, video game discussion, games, playstation 4, classic video games,

Ep 57 – Battletanx: The Resurrection

Episode 57. February 14th, 2016. Mike and Andrew talk about the Crash Bandicoot toy nonsense (as it turns out, it’s just a big misunderstanding) via Polygon and GameSpot and then Mike’s topic sort of ties in with the question, “If you could bring back a game title from the past, what would it be?” We end up talking about Contra, Mario, Zelda, Battletanx (hence the title), and Yooka Laylee, which is probably the most successful revival of a classic game in a while, given the independent nature of the game’s creation. 

What would you revive if you could? And do you agree with our thoughts on what makes reviving old games so difficult? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @TheDGCast. Feel free to follow our other social media like our YouTube channel and Twitch channel where we stream regularly. 

Thanks again for stopping by,

Andrew & Mike, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast