
Ep 100 – Post PAX-East 2020 Recap

Episode 100. Really. One Hundo. Neat. March 7th(?), 2020.

Essentially this episode is Andrew running the show talking about the games he played and experiences he had at PAX East 2020 recently. Obviously Episode 99 was all nostalgia about The Last of Us, and as you know Sony backed out of the convention at the last minute due to coronavirus concerns. That said, still a great show though a different vibe.

Games/Stuff Andrew saw and talked about on the show:
Sky Racket – Double Dash Studios – https://www.skyracket.com (Steam)
Bonfire Peaks – Corey Martin – https://coreymartin.itch.io/bonfire-peaks (Steam)
The Falconer – Tomas Sala – https://www.thefalconeer.com (Steam)
Knights of the Hound Table – https://www.facebook.com/knightshoundtable/ (Card Game)
The GameHers – Community for Women Gamers – https://thegamehers.com (community)

A lot of stuff was discussed in this episode, so we’re sorry it wasn’t a total fanfare about the 100th episode. But we truly appreciate all of you that come out and listen to our podcast because it means the world to us. Thanks so much everyone.

Andrew, Mike & CJ, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast