double dragon iv, steam double dragon, arc system works,

Double Dragon IV Now Out on PS4/Steam

Double Dragon is back! Double Dragon IV released on PS4 and Steam on January 30th, and is a well deserved return to the old school classic beat’em up you remembered as a kid. The most recognizable change is that the game has gone back to it’s classic NES style graphics. What’s more, the game was […]

gaming podcast, evo 2015, call of duty, balloon fight, gaming discussion,

Ep 30 – General Ramblings! (aka Unprepared Podcast)

Episode 30. July 19th, 2015. It’s Mike’s Birthday! Andrew has no clue what he’s doing this week so while we start off with some gaming topics, we quickly and steadfastly veer off course and de-rail. We talk gaming stuff but Andrew rambles far too much this week. Topics that come up are Jamie Lee Curtis […]