
Ep 101 – Interview: Double Dash Studios

Episode 101. March 21st, 2020. Interview with Jande and Lucas from Double Dash Studios in Brazil.

Jande and Lucas join CJ and Andrew on the podcast for an interview about Double Fine Studios and their game Sky Racket, which was recently demo’d at PAX East this year.

Jande and Lucas chat about Sky Racket, the development process, and answer a few questions from the DG Cast. They talk about making Sky Racket, demo-ing at PAX, getting featured on a Nintendo Direct, and we manage to throw in some retro-game discussions as well.

We had a great time chatting with them and it was a really fun episode, so I hope you also enjoyed it too. To find out more about Sky Racket, please check out the links below: www.doubledashstudios.com . www.skyracket.com . also check their Twitter @DoubleDashSTU . You can also follow Jande @jandesf and Lucas @lucas_floko on twitter as well.

As always, we hope you enjoyed the episode and appreciate all comments and suggestions! Feel free to hit us up @thedgcast on twitter!
Mike, CJ and Andrew, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast