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Ep 63 – Division Issues & More PS4K Rumors

Episode 63. March 27th, 2016.

Audio Note: There are some weird issues with Andrew’s mic at times and we tried to edit them to make them less painful on the ears, but we might have missed it as it seems to happen at random. Sorry!

Ya Boy Mike has returned! Back with voice intact this time around Mike re-joins the podcast from his week off and we chat about The Division and how Andrew has issues with the DZ. This is no surprise if you’ve been around for the livestreams on twitch where he complains about it a lot. Second topic starts off about 40 minutes in and is about the “new” PS4K rumors/info that keeps surfacing as more information is being discovered. We talk about what this may mean for future PS4 consoles, and if a new generation of the PS4 is being released and how it might affect us. 

References: Eurogamer PS4K Info Link | IGN PS4K Info Link

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Thanks for stopping by,

Andrew & Mike, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast