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Ep 38 – The Taken King is Out & Our Impressions

Episode 38. September 20th, 2015. Mike and Andrew discuss Bungie’s The Taken King expansion for the popular Destiny game. Well, we think it’s Popular. We enjoy the new expansion. Deal with it. For real though we talk about the different changes and how the amount of depth to the content that has been added is pretty wild. There’s a lot to do.


@Bungie – They made it. They get the shoutout this week.

As always, thanks for listening, and if you’re a YouTube fan, the YouTube versions will post one week behind the iTunes/Website releases. That may change in the future but for now that’s a fairly safe method of production we can keep track of and handle, given our regular real life jobs having recently taken up more time than we’d like. Feel free to follow us on twitter @TheDGCast to keep apprised of all the ongoings. 

Thanks as always,

Mike & Andrew, The Disconnected Gamers Podcast